Turbo code Licensing FAQs

Who are the current companies participating in France Telecom’s Turbo Code Licensing Program?

The current list of Licensees for France Telecom’s standard Turbo Code Licensing Agreement can be viewed at http://www.orange.com/en/innovation/research/preparing-for-the-future/intellectual-property/Turbo-Codes/find-out-more/our-licences

Also, the current list of IP Core Designers can be viewed at http://www.orange.com/en/innovation/research/preparing-for-the-future/intellectual-property/Turbo-Codes/find-out-more/IP-Core-Designers

Who needs to sign a Turbo Code Licensing Agreement (TCLA)?

Any ASIC manufacturer implementing a Turbo Code in a chipset. 
Any Hardware manufacturer implementing a Turbo Code in a FPGA, DSP, or software format.

Sample application specific license agreements are available upon request.

Does our company potentially owe back royalties?

If you are an ASIC manufacturer who has been implementing Turbo Codes in a chipset without a Turbo Code License Agreement (TCLA), you could potentially owe nominal back royalties. Examples would be CDMA2000 (3GPP2) compliant chipsets, W-CDMA (3GPP) chipsets, WiMAX, HomePlugAV, and DVB-RCS chipsets (note this list is not all inclusive).

If you are an equipment manufacturer and have implemented Turbo Codes in a FPGA, DSP, or software in your product, you could potentially owe nominal back royalties.

Our company is using a commercially off the shelf (COTS) Turbo Code purchased from an ASIC, DSP, or Software supplier, do we owe royalties for using Turbo Codes?

If you are an equipment manufacturer and have acquired an ASIC, DSP, or Software implementing Turbo Codes from a non-licensed provider, you could potentially be liable for back royalties if your supplier does not participate in the Turbo Code Licensing Program. Ultimately the end user may be responsible for any unlicensed use.

What type of Turbo Codes are covered by the TCLP, Convolutional or Block?

Both. Turbo Convolutional Codes were invented by Claude Berrou of France Telecom Research and Development. While Turbo Block Codes were invented by Ramesh Pyndiah of France Telecom R&D.

Both coding techniques are covered by the TCLP and the patents associated with them are divided into two separate patent packages for which separate licenses are required.

Do larger companies receive more favorable terms than smaller companies?

No. France Telecom initiated the TCLP on the basis of being a non-discriminatory licensing program, giving all parties regardless of size the same set of fair licensing terms.

Our company has not produced a Turbo Code product yet, should we wait until we have a product to sign the TCLA?

While the TCLP is focused on the commercial use of Turbo Code to ensure that your company does not owe back royalties, it is best to have the TCLA in place before the product is on the market.

Are there any other discounts on royalties available?

Yes. Discounts on royalties are available for the prepayment of Turbo Code units. After signing the TCLA, royalties are due as defined by the TCLA and supporting documents.

Who needs to become an IP Core Designer?

If you provide the source code for Turbo Code IP and do not imbed that source in a FPGA, DSP, or Software, your company can become an IP Core Designer of Turb